By Louisa Taylor February 16, 2012

The calm remains. It is an odd feeling. I have now begun to think that something must have gone horribly wrong after all, but then I look back at my notes and the schedule for this week and realise that it is all ticking along quite nicely, thank you very much. What I needed to have sketched out for this week is already down there on paper (yes, it is even from Act 2) and we are so well on target that I even managed to get some old posts up onto the website.
The most recent fun has been caused by cyberspace flying on Facebook, email and text to work out whether we had enough interest in our little Children’s Choir to make it viable. Thanks to huge support from some of the Choir-hopefuls, and their willing parents, we just managed to find a small group of very excited and enthusiastic girls (I dare not call them “children”) that will do very nicely as our happy little choir for the show. It would have been a personal disaster had we not managed to find such a suitable brood.
You see my vision for the show begged for cheeky, smiling faces to look up at Joseph and the Narrators with wide-eyed innocence sporting the biggest smiles you have ever seen. Without the Choir half the show would need re-staging to cover the gaps where the Choir would have been. My detailed planning would have fallen apart and heralded a new season of chaos. For now at least, all’s well that ends well.
Friday marks our very first rehearsal with the Choir bringing with it both excitement and trepidation (in case no-one actually turns up – it is half-term after all). The word sheets are all prepared and only need to be photocopied tonight which should be a straight-forward task so as long as the Producer is not let loose on the task again (if it were it a pantomime I would “boo” him with great conviction…sorry, Mr Producer). Once this is all done we just have to arrive on time (hoping and praying that the traffic is light and no medical emergencies arrive for our in-house doctor) and then we are off and running.
In the meantime, I’ve been playing around with the spice and herb pots again. This time it was because I needed to use the contents. You would not believe how difficult it was to get the contents of Matt and Mandy out of the jars and into my curry. Don’t try this at home, kids.
Photo of “Camel caravan in a desert” by m_bartosch: